When will I be contacted about scheduling a FVC?
Approximately one month after your initial Foundational Training completion, you will receive a “Welcome to Parents as Teachers” email from the DESE PAT Professional Development Project Administrator. Within 1-2 months of initial Foundational Training completion, a Missouri Consultant will contact you, (parent educator), by e-mail or phone to introduce you to PAT. At this time, the consultant will provide you, (parent educator), with information about scheduling a Family Visit Consultation (FVC). It is important for you to provide the consultant with a valid email address and phone number.
When should I schedule a FVC?
It is recommended that you complete 2-3 months of service delivery to families before scheduling the FVC.
Does the FVC count as a yearly evaluation?
It is important to remember that the FVC is an observation and consultation, not an evaluation. A yearly evaluation will be completed by your supervisor per the ECDA manual.
What are the requirements for a FVC?
*Must include a child, age birth-35 months. (Exception: If PE is only serving 3-5 year olds, a FVC may be completed but this must be pre-approved by consultant.)
*It is recommended that you complete a Foundational Visit #2-8. It is NOT recommended that your FVC be completed on Visit #1.
*The FVC visit should be not a screening visit.
*The visit must be at least 60 minutes per DESE requirements.
A FVC will be a minimum of 3 hours in length. Additional time may be requested by your PAT program to provide program support. (Maximum of 5 hours)
*It is mandatory to schedule a back-up visit in case of a family cancellation.
*Time will be allowed for you to complete the Family Visit Record Documentation. This may need to be done on a paper copy for the purpose of the Observation, if access to Visit Tracker/Penelope is not available.
*You will select a family to visit, schedule the visit and secure permission from the family for the consultant to observe.
Will I receive a reminder about the FVC visit?
Approximately two weeks prior to the Family Visit Consultation (FVC), the consultant will contact you about the age of the child, the visit to be completed, and any other information. An email confirmation will be sent to you and the program supervisor/administrator confirming the discussion and date.
Will I receive a report following the FVC completion?
A Family Visit Consultation (FVC) report will be sent by email to you and your program Supervisor/Administrator within two weeks of the visit completion. You will also receive a an anonymous FVC evaluation form to complete.
Can I receive professional development hours for completion of a Family Visit Consultation (FVC)?
You may receive between 3 to 5 hours of professional development for the Family Visit Consultation. Your PAT Consultant will determine the hours at the visit completion.